‘The world needs to be a better place,
where everyone feels at home’.
Consultation Packages:
Nix Enterprises will offer an initial fifteen-to-thirty-minute phone call consultation and one piece of accessible signage for free. This is because the ‘world needs to be a better place, where everyone feels at home’.
Nix Enterprises offers the above consultation on the proviso that the client shows a ‘commitment to being better’ and making at least one simple change towards accessibility. Nix Enterprises requests that her services will be recommended onwards, pending satisfaction. Subsequent endorsements, that result in transactions, can result in beneficial discounts and bonuses for the recommender.
Nix Enterprises can offer a range of services starting from £70. Please note prices are liable to change in accordance with your personal business preferences and in line with cost-of-living-dated 2024. Charities and not-for profit can apply for up to a thirty percent discount.
The Basic B Package £70
An official visit for an inventory to be taken (if establishment has not been visited before)
An initial twenty-minute phone call, where needs can be drawn up and agreed between both parties.
PLUS a ‘mid-way’ or final ‘follow up’ phone call of twenty minutes. The key information and advice contained therein these calls will be sent in a follow-up email. This email can contain signposting to further charitable organisations. It also includes two pieces of accessibility signage printed, laminated and in PDF format.
Kahlo Package £150
An official visit for an inventory to be taken (if establishment has not been visited before)
Initial twenty-minute phone call, where needs can be drawn up and agreed between both parties.
‘mid-way’ phone call of twenty minutes
The key information and advice contained therein these calls will be sent in a follow-up email. This email can contain signposting to further charitable organisations
A consultation online a few weeks/a month later for 20 minutes
PLUS four accessible social stories or pieces of signage agreed by the company and Nix Nugent Enterprises, provided as a PDF and standard paper printout with lamination.
MJ Fox Package £300
An official visit for an inventory to be taken (if establishment has not been visited before)
Initial twenty-minute phone call, where needs can be drawn up and agreed between both parties.
‘mid-way’ phone call of twenty minutes
The key information and advice contained therein these calls will be sent in a follow-up email. This email can contain signposting to further charitable organisations
A consultation online a few weeks/a month later for 20 minutes
Four accessible social stories or pieces of signage agreed by the company and Nix Nugent Enterprises, provided as a PDF and standard paper printout with lamination.
Online face-to-face 30 to 45 minutes (to be diarised within two to six months)
Two bonus social stories/ accessible signage, PDF format, printed onto paper and laminated.
One short document amending into plain English for website use and or advertisement and leafleting.
Temple Grandin package £500
An official visit for an inventory to be taken (if establishment has not been visited before)
Initial twenty-minute phone call, where needs can be drawn up and agreed between both parties.
‘mid-way’ phone call of twenty minutes
The key information and advice contained therein these calls will be sent in a follow-up email. This email can contain signposting to further charitable organisations.
Consultation online a few weeks/a month later for 20 minutes
Six accessible social stories or pieces of signage agreed by the company and Nix Nugent Enterprises, provided as a PDF and standard paper printout with lamination.
Online face-to-face 30 to 45 minutes (to be diarised within two to six months)
One short document amending into plain English for website use and or advertisement and leafleting.
An audio package (providing up to forty-five minutes of professionally recorded readings of documents/signs. This recording can be used at the discretion of the client-for example on the Business website, or in Advertisements.
Staff/Customer consultation
Half day training session (online, if not local)
A company jingle
The active promotion of the client’s business amongst Nix Enterprises disability network.
For individual product prices, please ask.
Please note that packages will be designed in line with the individual businesses preferences and affordability. This will not necessarily cover, every aspect of law.
Accessibility is an ongoing commitment. Rarely fully achieved; only continually strived for. Accessibility, can be a personal preference. Moreover, some forms of accessibility can act in conflict with another form of accessibility.